
About Crabs

Crabs belong to the Animal Kingdom and are classified under the phylum Arthropoda and the subphylum Crustacea. As arthropods, they share characteristics like a hard exoskeleton, segmented bodies, and jointed appendages. The distinct features of crabs include ten limbs, with the front pair modified into claws called chelae. Their exoskeleton provides protection and support, and crabs periodically molt to accommodate growth.

These crustaceans are known for their diverse habitats, ranging from oceans to freshwater bodies and terrestrial environments. They exhibit unique sideways walking, facilitated by adapted legs. Crabs are omnivores, feeding on algae, small invertebrates, detritus, and even carrion.

Communication among crabs involves visual signals and gestures, often using their claws. They display a variety of colors and patterns, contributing to their visual appeal. Many crab species are skilled burrow builders, creating shelters in sand or mud for protection.

Crabs play vital roles in ecosystems as both predators and prey, influencing nutrient cycling. Their social behaviors, such as forming groups or colonies, contribute to their adaptability and survival strategies. Overall, crabs showcase the fascinating diversity within the Animal Kingdom, particularly in the arthropod class Crustacea.

What makes crabs unique?

Crabs exhibit several unique features that set them apart in the animal kingdom:

  1. Chelae (Claws): One of the defining characteristics of crabs is the presence of two large claws called chelae. These modified front limbs serve various functions, including capturing and handling food, defense, and communication.
  2. Exoskeleton and Molting: Crabs have a hard exoskeleton that provides protection and support. Unlike vertebrates with internal skeletons, crabs wear their skeletons on the outside. They periodically shed or molt this exoskeleton to accommodate growth.
  3. Ten Limbs: Crabs have ten limbs arranged in pairs. The front pair is modified into claws, while the remaining eight are walking legs. This arrangement contributes to their distinctive sideways movement.
  4. Gills for Breathing: Crabs use gills for respiration, extracting oxygen from water. Some species can also breathe air, allowing them to survive in various aquatic environments, including both saltwater and freshwater.
  5. Adaptation to Different Habitats: Crabs are highly adaptable and can be found in a wide range of environments, including oceans, freshwater habitats, and on land. Their ability to thrive in diverse conditions showcases their evolutionary flexibility.
  6. Behavioral Traits: Many crab species exhibit complex behaviors, including courtship rituals, communication through visual signals and sounds, and social interactions. Some crabs form colonies or engage in cooperative activities.
  7. Burrow Building: Several crab species are skilled burrowers, creating elaborate burrows in sand or mud. These burrows serve as shelters for protection against predators and environmental conditions.
  8. Omnivorous Diet: Crabs are opportunistic feeders with an omnivorous diet. They consume a variety of food, including algae, small invertebrates, detritus, and even carrion.

The combination of these features makes crabs a unique and diverse group within the animal kingdom.

Types of Crabs

Blue Crab

Common Shore Crab

Dungeness Crab

European Spider Crab

Fiddler Crab

Ghost Crab

Japanese Spider Crab

King Crab

Pea Crab

Sally Lightfoot Crab Galapagos

Sally Lightfoot Crab

Snow Crab


1. What is the largest crab in the world?

The Japanese spider crab (Macrocheira kaempferi) holds the title for the largest species of crab in the world. These crabs are found in the waters around Japan and can have a leg span of up to 12 feet (3.7 meters).

The body of the crab is relatively small compared to its long, spindly legs. Despite their intimidating appearance, Japanese spider crabs are generally not considered harmful to humans and are known for their slow movements along the ocean floor.

2. What is the smallest crab in the world?

The pea crab (Pinnotheres pisum) is considered one of the smallest species of crabs in the world. Measuring only a few millimeters in size, these tiny crabs are often found living inside the shells of bivalve mollusks, such as clams and mussels.

The relationship between pea crabs and their host mollusks is generally commensal, with the crabs benefiting from the protection provided by the mollusk’s shell, while the mollusk is unaffected or minimally affected. Due to their small size and specific habitat, pea crabs are not as well-known as larger crab species.

3. What do crabs eat?

Crabs are omnivores, meaning they consume both plant and animal matter. Their diet can vary based on the species and habitat, but generally, crabs feed on algae, plankton, small fish, mollusks, detritus (dead organic matter), and even carrion.

Their feeding habits may include scavenging, predation, or a combination of both, depending on the crab species and environmental conditions. The specific diet of a crab is influenced by factors such as its size, location, and the availability of food resources in its surroundings.

4. How do crabs reproduce?

Crabs reproduce through a process called copulation, where a male and female crab come together for mating. The male crab typically initiates the courtship by approaching the female. During copulation, the male transfers sperm to the female, who stores it in a special receptacle for later fertilization of her eggs.

Once fertilized, the female carries the eggs on her abdomen until they hatch into larvae. The larvae then undergo a series of developmental stages before eventually metamorphosing into juvenile crabs.

The method of reproduction can vary among different crab species, and environmental factors also play a role. Some crabs, like fiddler crabs, mate on land, while others, like many marine crabs, mate in the water. The intricacies of crab reproduction contribute to the diverse life cycles observed within this crustacean group.

5. How long do crabs live?

he lifespan of crabs can vary widely depending on the species. Smaller species of crabs may live only a few years, while larger ones can live for several decades.

For example, some small crabs may have a lifespan of 1 to 3 years, while certain larger species, such as the king crab, can live for 20 years or more. Environmental factors, habitat conditions, and the specific species all play crucial roles in determining the lifespan of a crab.

  • Burnie, David & Wilson, Don, Animal, Smithsonian Institute, Washington DC.
  • Hickman et al, Integrated Principle of Zoology, McGraw Hill, Boston.