Parrot Sun

About Parakeets

arakeets, also known as budgerigars or budgies, are small and colorful parrots that belong to the Psittaculidae family. These charming birds are native to Australia, where they inhabit a variety of landscapes, from forests to grasslands. Parakeets have gained popularity as pets worldwide due to their friendly nature and ability to mimic human speech.

There are over 100 species of parakeets, which are members of the parrot family, Psittacidae. They come in various sizes, colors, and species, but among them, the two most common pet species are the Budgerigar, also known as the Budgie (Melopsittacus undulatus), and the Monk Parakeet (Myiopsitta monachus).

Unique Characteristics

Parakeets are renowned for their vibrant plumage and ability to vocalize. They exhibit social behavior and are known to form close bonds with their human caretakers. Their small size, with a length of around 6-8 inches, makes them ideal companions for those new to avian ownership. Their chirpy and melodious calls are a distinguishing feature, and some individuals can learn to imitate human words and phrases.

Parakeets, with their vibrant colors and sociable personalities, make delightful pets. Their adaptability and cheerful disposition have endeared them to bird enthusiasts across the globe.

Types of Parakeets

Alexandrine Parakeet

Budgerigar Parakeet

Crimson Rosella

Cuan Parakeet

Dusky Headed Parakeet

Eastern Rosella

Golden-capped Parakeet

Jandaya Parakeet

Mitred Parakeet

Monk Parakeet

Orange fronted Parakeet

Parrot Sun

Plain Parakeet

Princess Parakeet

Roseringed Parakeet


1. What is the largest and smallest parakeet species?

The Budgerigar (Budgie) is the smallest species of parakeet, measuring around 6-8 inches (15-20 cm) in length, with various color mutations.

The largest species of parakeet is the Alexandrine Parakeet (Psittacula eupatria), which can reach lengths of up to 23 inches (58 cm), including its long tail feathers. These larger parakeets are native to South Asia and are known for their vibrant green plumage and striking red beaks.

While these two species represent the extremes in terms of size, many other parakeet species fall in between, offering a diverse range of options for those interested in keeping them as pets or observing them in the wild.

2. How do parakeets reproduce?

Parakeets reproduce through nesting, with the female laying eggs in a cozy, safe environment. They are excellent parents, with both male and female actively participating in incubation and chick-rearing. A typical clutch consists of 4-6 eggs, which hatch after about 18 days of incubation.

3. How long do parakeets live?

The average lifespan of a parakeet in the wild is around 5-8 years. However, pet parakeets often live longer, with some reaching 10-15 years in captivity.

4. What do parakeets eat?

Parakeets are herbivores and primarily feed on seeds, fruits, and vegetation. They have strong, curved bills ideal for cracking open seeds. In the wild, they forage for food in flocks and are excellent flyers.

  • Burnie, David & Wilson, Don, Animal, Smithsonian Institute, Washington DC.
  • Hickman et al, Integrated Principle of Zoology, McGraw Hill, Boston.